
  1. Underworld Taco

    Gear Ear Plugs

    Searched for a post about it and couldnt find it, I think it’s time to decide use some ears plugs before the wind takes the win, anyone have a good review/feedback from any, my goal is to block the wind without sacrifice much the speakers sound, since I can’t ride without music anymore, all...
  2. N

    Biker with ear problem

    Hi! I really love to ride bikes but the problem is I have sensitive ears that are prone to tinnitus. Just bought a pair of noise reduction ear plugs/ear piece and they do not fit well in my ears. I'm planning to get new ones but I'm torn between these two brands...
  3. S

    Gear Shure SE215-K-BT1 Wireless Sound Isolating Earphones

    Purchased the above earphones for about $150 on amazon. I know that seems pricey for ear buds, but these are more than just ear buds. They're ear plugs that block 37db of sound. They're bluetooth headset that fits flush in your ear. There's a loop from the earphone that goes over/behind the ear...
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