Inexpensive helmet cam recommendation please

John Jive

May 10, 2023
Riding Since
Interested in buying a helmet cam to fit my HJC Rapha helmet.

Not really interested in anything expensive as its just in case someone runs into me or road rage etc. I'm not going to be uploading content to a YouTube channel etc

Thank you


Sep 5, 2024
Riding Since
If that's the only reason you want it, why not put on the bike one of those cheap and very small chinese cams?
I have one that is a small cube and when connected to the bike, as soon as you start the engine it starts saving and stops when you turn off the engine. It saves a file every 5 mins or so and if the memory card gets full, it starts overwriting the oldest files. This way it never runs out of battery and you have in video the last X minutes (depending on the size of your memory card) of your ride.
Even a cam without image stabilization and making videos at 1080p is good enough for that.

If you want something a bit better but without paying the price of a GoPro or Insta cam, take a look at Akaso cameras.
I have a V50X and it's a nice camera for the price.

John Jive

May 10, 2023
Riding Since
If that's the only reason you want it, why not put on the bike one of those cheap and very small chinese cams?
I have one that is a small cube and when connected to the bike, as soon as you start the engine it starts saving and stops when you turn off the engine. It saves a file every 5 mins or so and if the memory card gets full, it starts overwriting the oldest files. This way it never runs out of battery and you have in video the last X minutes (depending on the size of your memory card) of your ride.
Even a cam without image stabilization and making videos at 1080p is good enough for that.

If you want something a bit better but without paying the price of a GoPro or Insta cam, take a look at Akaso cameras.
I have a V50X and it's a nice camera for the price.
Thank you for your help
Those Chinese cameras look good for the price. I don't need Gopro or Ghost cams


Mar 17, 2023
Riding Since
I had one; they're basically just a Go Pro rip off. Mine came with loads of fittings. It worked ok and would be fine for what you want it for. I preferred fixing mine to my bike but that is awkward for a fully-faired one, I imagine.

John Jive

May 10, 2023
Riding Since
Definitely don't want to screw a
I had one; they're basically just a Go Pro rip off. Mine came with loads of fittings. It worked ok and would be fine for what you want it for. I preferred fixing mine to my bike but that is awkward for a fully-faired one, I imagine.
Must admit I don't want to fit the camera to the top of the helmet. Not sure the Wolfgang ones will fit to the chin or side of the helmet


Sep 5, 2024
Riding Since
Some ideas to put it on the bike:
- between the air inlets - hidden and easy to hide a cable to power it.
- behind the windshield - protected from rain and bugs but watchout for sun reflex.
- in the mirrors - easy to put and remove - watchout for vibrations.



May 26, 2019
I tried a cheap chinese thing on my old bike. it did not last so your milage may vary. I have a camera front and rear from a major name INNOV (still chinese but is known for quality and has lasted 3-4 years now no issues in all weathers). Its a 4k unit so is quite bulky, I was really unsure about placing it here as it could interefer with front fork travel. I did a bunch of testing as best I could to check fork travel under normal and emergency braking. I think it just does touch the fender under serious emergency braking (with stock suspension, I have upgraded mine and its way better), but if your forks are traveling that far I think its full load anyway and the forces we are talking about I dont think a small camera is gonna interfere with that.

Alot of the non 4k cameras have a smaller unit so this should not be an issue.

I have a sena headset with camera which is still going strong after 6 years (although its permenatly powered of a 10mah powerbank in my jacket), but its annoying being on the side of the helmet especially on long trips. if you had to go helmet cam id get a chin mount probably. Helmet cam could come in handy if someone is giving you grief but thats about it.


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May 26, 2019
I have a Rapha 11 helmet. Anyone know what cameras will fit on the chin area please?
try this site. there maybe be a better european equivilent. they also sell all the swivel attachments for the action cam to get the desired angles so not just the chin mounts themselves.

My plan was to stick one of these on with a go pro or insta 360 (ace pro) cam on my next helmet purchase. For longer trips you may have to think about bringing extra batterys or using a small power bank in your jacket.

They are baisicly 3D printed pieces of plastic designed to accomodate specific helmets. If you had a 3d printer you could probably knock it up, I couldent be arsed though id rather just pay for one.

From what I understand is that these chin mounts accomodate the adapters, the adapters are standardised and should fit any go pro, insta360 or chinese knock off action cam you can find. Hope that helps! Disclaimer: I have done a bit of reasearch on it but have not pulled the trigger yet.

EDIT: Here is RPHA11 link:
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John Jive

May 10, 2023
Riding Since
try this site. there maybe be a better european equivilent. they also sell all the swivel attachments for the action cam to get the desired angles so not just the chin mounts themselves.

My plan was to stick one of these on with a go pro or insta 360 (ace pro) cam on my next helmet purchase. For longer trips you may have to think about bringing extra batterys or using a small power bank in your jacket.

They are baisicly 3D printed pieces of plastic designed to accomodate specific helmets. If you had a 3d printer you could probably knock it up, I couldent be arsed though id rather just pay for one.

From what I understand is that these chin mounts accomodate the adapters, the adapters are standardised and should fit any go pro, insta360 or chinese knock off action cam you can find. Hope that helps! Disclaimer: I have done a bit of reasearch on it but have not pulled the trigger yet.

EDIT: Here is RPHA11 link:
Thank you. Very helpful 👍


Sep 5, 2024
Riding Since
I have a chin mount but it doesn't go well with my driving style... I move the head alot, looking to the left/right, to the mirrors, moving the body... in the end, the video is not pleasant to watch.
I think the body mounts are the best as it eliminates part of the movements.

However, if you don't move much, it might work with you.


May 26, 2019
I have a chin mount but it doesn't go well with my driving style... I move the head alot, looking to the left/right, to the mirrors, moving the body... in the end, the video is not pleasant to watch.
I think the body mounts are the best as it eliminates part of the movements.

However, if you don't move much, it might work with you.
even with all the stabilization mc guffins in the action cam? really?

I rarely look back at any footage, only the odd time. Last time I did was when someone nearly collected me running a red light. local police did nothing.


Sep 5, 2024
Riding Since
even with all the stabilization mc guffins in the action cam? really?

I rarely look back at any footage, only the odd time. Last time I did was when someone nearly collected me running a red light. local police did nothing.
Yes. The problem is not the stabilization.
Imagine you're watching a video, looking to the road ahead, and suddenly the camera moves in another direction cutting your view, then again and again... in the end you don't have a clear view of the road, or the landscape or anything else because you're forced to look elsewhere.
However... if I had a 360 cam this wouldn't be a problem. 🙄

I like to keep a mental map of what's around me at all times. That way, if an obstacle appears in front of me, I'll know if I have to make an emergency break or if I can avoid it just by changing lanes. No need to loose precious time looking back to decide.


May 26, 2019
ok Fair enough, maybe im being slow but I dont understand how a piece of recorded video allows you to see around you better in real time? anyway I think I get what your saying. to me not an issue I have it for capturing nasty events. I rarely look back at it.
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